In Pakistan

Hey all. We are now in Pakistan in Quetta. Been an interesting couple of weeks. Have a stack of stuff to put on the blog very soon although probably will not have time right now as a couple of other bikers travelling with us are waiting to leave the internet cafe. Hope all is good back home.

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7 Responses to In Pakistan

  1. Fayezo says:

    Hurrah! Hello! Good to hear from you again. Miss you both loads 🙂 Faye

  2. Stephen says:

    I was getting a bit worried there. Good to hear from you 2 again 🙂

  3. Sounds like you are having a great adventure. Cool stuff!

  4. Neil's Mum says:

    Throwing apples all over the countryside! Did you Mother never tell you to “keep it in your pocket until you come to a bin”? Sounds like you are having a brilliant time. Try not to have too good a time…it’s all a bit of a worry!! Love to you both x

  5. Brian says:

    Hi to you both
    You are making very good progress. Take care when travelling thro India make sure to give way to trucks & busses etc. might is right!
    Sounds like you will be in India at Christmas. You will have to find a Christian place to celibrate!! Does Helen still have to wear a load of long clothes and a head scarf in Pakistan as well? Great to hear from you take good care of yourselves.

  6. Stuart says:

    I’ve just added your Tiger to the ‘Bikes’ to Buy’ page asking people to register an interest. One reply after a few days 🙂

  7. Big Sis says:

    Hope your feeling better sis 🙂

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