
Don’t mean to sound like a broken record or anything but we are still at home. By that I mean at the in-laws as our house was emptied in preparation for renting though I’ll get to that. Helen went up to hospital again today for them to look at her eye and it seems there is still a bit of the metal in there. From what I’ve heard it was probably embedded further in there by the A&E SHO who tried to wipe it out with a cotton bud before. So the Ophthalmologist had another go at it and has made the eye pretty painful in the process. Helen can take quite a bit of pain so I know it must be pretty bad for her. I felt pretty useless since I can’t do anything to help. For now it looks like rest and eye drops are the only option.

Had it been a bike that needed fixing at least I would not have been so helpless. Though while putting new oil into my bike last night I noticed a split coolant hose. Not split right through and leaking but not far off it by the look of it. Taking the bike in this state would be like riding a time-bomb. This footery hose is a reducer and in typical fashion seems impossible to get here in good old Northern Ireland. I had something similar in the garage but have ordered up a silicone replacement which should get here tomorrow hopefully. It seems like we have the time to wait for it now though I am aware of our visas ticking away too. I think the time will come shortly when we will “just leave”.

All good plans…

So our house was cleared out for let. Turns out the person renting it does not have the cash up front for deposit and first months rent. I won’t go into their reasons except to say that they are understandable but frustrating none the less. So for the moment we are here in Donaghadee for a couple of days getting tea and sympathy.

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5 Responses to Hmm

  1. Naomi says:

    Hope your eye is well on the mend now Helen and that the house rental woes get sorted soon. There’ll probably be times on the journey when you would give a lot for a couple of days in Donaghadee!

  2. Phyllis Gilmore says:

    We’re all keeping an eye on your progress. Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Cleaning never was your strong point, was it? Anyhow as the words of the song go
    “things…can only get better” Love from all of us, Phyllis

    • Helen says:

      Thanks! Eye is getting better thankfully, just waiting for a full recovery before leaving. Hope all is well in Ballywalter!

  3. Brian says:

    Hope your eye is ok Helen. It obviously happened for a reason!
    Both of you have a safe and enjoyable trip. Ride the wheels of them bikes
    thats what they are made for. Keep in touch as much as possible. Good luck.

  4. Michael says:

    Sorry to hear about your delay – hope you get away this week. Saw your picture in the Spectator Neil and enjoyed reading the article about the diesel bike.
    Miss you at the surgery Helen – hope your eye is better.

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